The need for detoxification is widely accepted. Seemingly, the various ways to detoxify over the day is also settled. Yet, it’s dangerous and ineffective to detoxify the body in the daytime. The circadian rhythm selected nighttime for the mobilization of a large amount of toxins. High overnight melatonin level triggers the extra production of glutathione, […]
After reviewing thousands of test results, we can claim that most (over 90%) person’s mercury, and other toxic metals, levels are already high when they decide to replace the amalgam fillings. Any spillage of amalgam/mercury at the time of removal can push these individual’s mercury levels to a tipping point, leading to clinical manifestations of […]
The good news about the ‘lead/cancer/chelation’ link is kept quiet. Painfully quiet. (Please, make some noise by sending this info far and wide.) These forgotten studies fundamentally change our understanding of cancer, even for the ‘we have seen everything’ crowd in the alternative medical fields. Lead poisoning … has strong effects on the brain… in […]
A new study by patient safety researchers published in the BMJ [‘Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US,’ 03 May 2016] (1) shows that ‘medical errors’ in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly common and now the third leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives […]
Journal of Advancement in Medicine Volume 2, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Summer 1989 Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality after Chelation Therapy With EDTA Walter Blumer, M.D. and Elmer Cranton, M.D. ABSTRACT Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with Calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7%) died of […]
“My hat goes off to [the manufacturers of Detoxamin] for researching and making chelation available, affordable, non-prescription, and practical for a greater number of people… for as you have learned, heavy metal toxicity is at the root of many incurable conditions, and it is not going to go away. Detoxamin will revolutionize medicine.” – Dr. […]
“Published research and extensive clinical experience showed that EDTA helped reduce and prevent arteriosclerotic plaques, thus improving blood flow to the heart and other organs. The scientific evidence indicates that a course of EDTA chelation therapy might eliminate the need for bypass surgery.” – Dr. Linus Pauling, MD, PhD, Scientist, Two-time Nobel Prize winner and […]
The father of modern biochemistry was the French-Swiss chemist, Alfred Werner; who in 1893 developed the theory of coordination compounds, today referred to as chelates. For this turning point in reclassifying inorganic chemical compounds, Werner received the Nobel Prize in 1913. He went on to create accounting for the process by which metals bind to […]
Chelation Suppositories: Safer, More Effective, More Affordable Alternative to Traditional IV Chelation An alternative delivery method has opened up the whole world of heavy metal detoxification, making it available to everyone. Our Chelation Suppositories are medically equivalent to the traditional IV EDTA chelation method but eliminate the problems that are associated with IV EDTA delivery. […]
IV Chelation An intravenous (IV) Chelation therapy can be an expensive and time intensive process depending on the type of form that is chosen. EDTA IV chelation requires that patients attend 30 to 50 sessions over six months when they typically receive 3000mg EDTA intravenously (by the needle). Each of these sessions is at least […]