A new, promising way to control Candida emerged, giving great hope to those who ‘tried everything’ without experiencing a breakthrough. EDTA Beats Most Antifungal Drugs EDTA has several characteristics that can explain its powerful effects against Candida 1) EDTA – a Biofilm Buster Candida uses biofilms to protect itself for survival. Today we know that […]
StemDetox™ – anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory This is how I took StemDetox™ I developed a cold and I purposefully didn’t do anything for three days just to test StemDetox™. By the third day my sinus was full, I had a headache and I couldn’t sleep through the night without blowing my nose (don’t ask […]
The aim of this study was to evaluate antifungal effects of calcium-chelating or -binding agents on Candida albicans comparing with conventional antifungal agents Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2005 Nov;100(5):626-30. The effect of calcium chelating or binding agents on Candida albicans. Ates M, Akdeniz BG, Sen BH. Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim […]