The 1 in 25,000
Immune Plan

Immune Protocol - The 1 in 25,000 Immune Plan

Building the Most Robust Immune System for Healthy and Long Life (Bone Marrow Detoxification, De-Calcification, Anti-Biofilm, Stem Cell Boosting) A strong immune system is the best defense against most health threats. And we are all programmed to heal and have a strong and healthy immune system. We all have the option to reach a very […]

The hidden Candida-Mercury link | Study: forgotten amino acid beats Anti-Candida drugs


A new, promising way to control Candida emerged, giving great hope to those who ‘tried everything’ without experiencing a breakthrough. EDTA Beats Most Antifungal Drugs EDTA has several characteristics that can explain its powerful effects against Candida 1) EDTA – a Biofilm Buster Candida uses biofilms to protect itself for survival. Today we know that […]

Scientific and Medical Quotes

“Published research and extensive clinical experience showed that EDTA helped reduce and prevent arteriosclerotic plaques, thus improving blood flow to the heart and other organs. The scientific evidence indicates that a course of EDTA chelation therapy might eliminate the need for bypass surgery.” – Dr. Linus Pauling, MD, PhD, Scientist, Two-time Nobel Prize winner and […]

History of Chelation

Alfred Werner

The father of modern biochemistry was the French-Swiss chemist, Alfred Werner; who in 1893 developed the theory of coordination compounds, today referred to as chelates. For this turning point in reclassifying inorganic chemical compounds, Werner received the Nobel Prize in 1913. He went on to create accounting for the process by which metals bind to […]

Recent Chelation Studies

Bypass or Chelation?There are over 7,000 research studies, papers and articles supporting the efficacy of EDTA Chelation Therapy over the past 50 years.Ca-EDTA has a remarkable wide range of benefitial effects. Increasingly, experts believe that the primary benefits of chelation are due to its free radical-fighting effects.1 EDTA chelation function… Bypass or Chelation? There are […]

Heart Bypass

“Chelation therapy is extremely benefitial for all forms of artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including angina pectoris and coronary artery disease, intermittent claudication and gangrene in artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the legs and feet, and strokes and transient ischemic attacks in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the neck and brain arteries.” – Dr. Schahter Earlier versions of this […]

500+ Chelation Studies

By some estimates, PubMed is listing only less than 1/3 of medical studies ever published. Important papers that are deemed to be ‘too old’ and others that were published in a foreign language (Russian, Korean, etc.) are simply neglected. Are you surprised? Over 500 scientific studies are listed here, all supporting EDTA chelation, courtesy of […]

Forbes: NIH Trial Gives Surprising Boost To Chelation Therapy

With a result that is likely to surprise and baffle much of the mainstream medical community, a large NIH-sponsored trial has turned up the first substantial evidence in support of chelation therapy for patients with coronary disease. Known as TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy),  the highly controversial trial was presented today at the AHA by Gervasio […]

ACAM: Position Paper on EDTA Chelation Therapy

[While ACAM is standing up for IV chalation with excellent arguments for its benefits, they fail to mention the other type of chelations administered orally and in the form of suppository. Even with these shortcomings, the Position Paper clearly out lines the tremendous potential of chelation for wellbeing – the editor.] Table of Contents Introduction […]

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