Get the most out of Chelation You will find below the most comprehensive list of chelation benefits available anywhere and shared for the very first time. This list was painstaikingly collected from the 500+ references listed here. On top of that, some of the more noteworthy scientific references are listed at the end. Anti-aging effects […]
Bypass or Chelation?There are over 7,000 research studies, papers and articles supporting the efficacy of EDTA Chelation Therapy over the past 50 years.Ca-EDTA has a remarkable wide range of benefitial effects. Increasingly, experts believe that the primary benefits of chelation are due to its free radical-fighting effects.1 EDTA chelation function… Bypass or Chelation? There are […]
“Chelation therapy is extremely benefitial for all forms of artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including angina pectoris and coronary artery disease, intermittent claudication and gangrene in artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the legs and feet, and strokes and transient ischemic attacks in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the neck and brain arteries.” – Dr. Schahter Earlier versions of this […]
By some estimates, PubMed is listing only less than 1/3 of medical studies ever published. Important papers that are deemed to be ‘too old’ and others that were published in a foreign language (Russian, Korean, etc.) are simply neglected. Are you surprised? Over 500 scientific studies are listed here, all supporting EDTA chelation, courtesy of […]
With a result that is likely to surprise and baffle much of the mainstream medical community, a large NIH-sponsored trial has turned up the first substantial evidence in support of chelation therapy for patients with coronary disease. Known as TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy), the highly controversial trial was presented today at the AHA by Gervasio […]
[While ACAM is standing up for IV chalation with excellent arguments for its benefits, they fail to mention the other type of chelations administered orally and in the form of suppository. Even with these shortcomings, the Position Paper clearly out lines the tremendous potential of chelation for wellbeing – the editor.] Table of Contents Introduction […]