I have been on the Anti-Biofilm Protocol for 3 months now and the quality of my life has increased dramatically.
I endured 5 years of intense symptoms including vertigo, Supraventricular Tachycardia, cervicogenic headaches, drop attacks, chronic neck pain and diminished lung capacity upon exertion. When I was finally diagnosed with ectopic calcification of the connective tissues (atlanto-occipital membrane and stylo-hyoid ligaments bi-lateraly) and in a position that was in conflict with neurovascular structures, but no clear method to cure it, I researched all I could until I stumbled upon the Bio-film (Nanobacteria) theory and Dr. Janossy’s protocol.
It has made a huge difference in my life. The symptoms have all but disappeared and my range of motion has returned to pre-infection levels. Even something as simple as swimming, which I was unable to do before because of the head turning motion, is now available for me to enjoy again.
It is high time that the MD community, as well as the ND community, start opening their eyes, ears and minds to the existence of Biofilm infections. It is also time for the natural Pharmacies to find out about the Oradix line of products, so that they are more readily available to us patients.
Thank you Oradix and Thank You Dr. Janossy.